
How to get results with Facebook 广告

There is no better time than the 假期 to advertise your products. People are whipping out their wallets and looking to spend, and if you create effective 广告, you’re sure to score a piece of the pie. So when it comes to Facebook, the largest 社交媒体 network with over a billion users, how can you take advantage? 好吧, here are a few 提示 to help you create Facebook 广告 that convert, and could bring some holiday cheer to your new year sales figures.

Turning 写博客 into a 业务 asset

People want to read your 博客. You may not think it’s true, but the fact of the matter is that someone somewhere is looking for information on a subject you know inside and out. 当然, this information has to be presented in way that is engaging and unique to stand out and catch people's attention as perhaps incorporate key search terms.

How to respond to negative feedback online

From restaurants to sports equipment vendors, no 业务 is immune from negative feedback online. With more and more people spending hours on the Internet every day, 客户 are quick to voice their opinions about 业务es. And their comments aren’t always positive.

Best 风暴 preparation is 沟通

There is nothing worse for a company and its 客户 than being forced to close because of inclement 天气. And with 冬天 almost upon us once again, now is a good time to make sure your 业务 continuity 计划 is prepared for anything and everything mother nature is looking to throw your way.